Recently, the Corona traffic light has been on red throughout Bavaria, bringing with it stricter regulations for infection control. The regulations applicable to each stage were not adjusted again to the worsening infection situation in the Free State until 05.11.2021 with the Ordinance Amending the Fourteenth Bavarian Infection Control Measures Ordinance.

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Our last video article covered the topic of “The role of the data protection officer in the company”. Now, of course, the same question arises for the data protection coordinator. In this video contribution, we will illustrate to you what a data protection coordinator actually is, what his areas of responsibility are and how he is related to the data protection officer.

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The job and especially the role of a data protection officer combined with the tasks behind it are an important part of a company. But how does a company come to appoint a data protection officer?

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von Ramona

“More paperwork, more documentation. That is just a hindrance and does not help anyone ”. Most likely react in this way or something similar when it comes to keeping a record of the processing activities that, according to Article 30 GDPR, must be kept in every organization and company as soon as personal data is processed. Article 83 GDPR creates an additional “monetary incentive” to act. Who would like to receive a fine because data protection has not been complied with? The loss of image due to publications is often greater than the resulting financial damage.

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In the day-to-day work of a data protection officer, you have to do a lot of persuading and repeatedly fight for compliance with the GDPR. Companies often shy away from costs and effort when making necessary adjustments. Business leaders generally question the GDPR, the demands of which are far too exaggerated. In the following we take a closer look at the topic of “data protection risk factors”:

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Could you safely say that your website is compliant with data protection regulations? Because anyone looking for data protection deficiencies on the Internet will quickly find what they are looking for. Everything is included, from the inadequate cookie banner to the poorly accessible data protection declaration. But what is the cause of this? Do companies not want to meet their legal obligations or do they not even know that they are doing something wrong? You can find out in our GDPR check!

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von Tobias

The Swedish fashion brand H&M is said to pay a fine of 35.3 million euros for spying on employees. Hundreds of employees at the service center in Nuremberg are said to have been monitored. The Hamburg commissioner for data protection, Johannes Caspar, justified the decree on Thursday. Read the blog article to learn more about the GDPR fine against H&M.

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von Rainer Aigner

The fact that the ECJ overturned the EU-US Privacy Shield with its judgment has far-reaching consequences, especially for data transfer to the USA:

Affected are e.g. all apps, software programs and service providers with storage location USA or remote maintenance from USA!

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von Nadja-Maria

In another blog article we have already dealt with the basic and generally applicable conditions of the right to information according to Art. 15 GDPR. Today’s post and the accompanying video are dedicated to the right to information in a special situation – Art. 15 GDPR in employment.

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