IT security and data protection in the home office – free guide

von Kathrin

Nothing works without a home office during the Corona crisis. But please don’t forget IT security and data protection! We have created a free handout for you on the subject of IT security and data protection in the home office!

Many companies had to switch to home office at very short notice due to the corona pandemic. This is the first time that some employees are working from home. For both employers and employees, there are some test points when working from home – espec

Data protection and IT security standards also in the home office!

In order to keep the standards for data protection and IT security high in the home office too, you have to
Employees should therefore also follow a few important rules at home. This can only work when owners, managing directors and executives have thought through the home office model. The employer bears responsibility under data protection law – also for home workplaces!
For example, appropriate measures must be taken with regard to system security, encrypted connections and IT support. In addition, the employer is of course obliged to provide a corresponding concept for data protection in the home office. This concerns e.g. the hardware. What if employees use personal devices? Are there also clear guidelines in the company?

Sensitize your employees!

As an employee, you have to take protective measures for data protection in the home office, in accordance with the employer’s specifications. Is the private WLAN sufficiently encrypted? Is the workplace inaccessible and not visible to third parties?
In general, it must be ensured that employees are sufficiently aware of the issues of IT security and data protection. By means of training courses, for example e-learning, employees can learn how to properly handle personal data, recognize IT security threats and more. This is the only way to prevent the careless handling of data, whether in the home office or in the company building, reliably and in the long term.

Include your data protection officer!

Also, always involve your data protection officer as early as possible. He will help you to create the necessary concepts and documents.
If the home office is designed taking certain requirements into account, there is nothing wrong with it in terms of data protection and IT security and everyone involved can benefit from it and keep operations as good as possible – even in times of pandemics.
We have created a free handout for you: a guide for employees and a guide for employers with the most important test points relating to IT security and data protection in the home office.

We’re here to help!

The documents that have been compiled for you are intended to provide you with quick help in closing the most important critical gaps in the home office topic. If you need additional support, for example with the creation of attachments to the employment contract, company agreements, comprehensive IT security guidelines for home office or similar, contact us directly!
Do you have any questions on this subject? Call us on 08505 919 27-0 or fill out our contact form. We are happy to help!

You can find our guides here: HomeOffice_employers-guide


Kathrin ist unsere Expertin im Bereich Vertrieb und Marketing. Sie ist Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin, Industriekauffrau, Wirtschaftsfachwirtin und kann ein Studium in „Business and Management“ vorweisen.
Sie weiß um die Bedeutung von Customer Excellence in allen Geschäftsbereichen. „Probleme zu lösen, bevor sie entstehen und das angesichts fortwährender Anpassung der Rahmenbedingungen und Gesetzeswerke.

Diese Herausforderung meistern wir tagtäglich für unsere Kunden. Ich bin stolz, Teil eines so professionellen Teams zu sein.“