Recently, the Corona traffic light has been on red throughout Bavaria, bringing with it stricter regulations for infection control. The regulations applicable to each stage were not adjusted again to the worsening infection situation in the Free State until 05.11.2021 with the Ordinance Amending the Fourteenth Bavarian Infection Control Measures Ordinance.

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von Swen

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) has been appointed, a corresponding forwarding via the e-mail address published in the data privacy statement, which directs the e-mail exclusively to the mailbox of the appointed DPO, has supposedly been set up. The availability of the data privacy officer for data subjects is thus permanently ensured. Really? Unfortunately, no! And the “no” can have unpleasant consequences for the data controller, i.e., for the company!

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The case of a customer dying does not (hopefully) occur frequently. Most of the time, however, responsible companies are at a loss at first. What do they have to consider in terms of data protection law when they discover that one of their customers has died? In the following, we would like to point out some of the problems that we encounter again and again in our day-to-day work as data protection officers and what responsible companies need to bear in mind.

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von Nadja-Maria

A large amount of personal data can be found on an identity card. In many industries, particularly with regard to the Money Laundering Act, the question arises as to which personal data may be noted or copied and to what extent, or whether the ID card may even be scanned. In the following we give you a brief overview.

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