von Rainer Aigner

It took a long time, but now it actually happened that the Austrian lawyer Max Schrems brought the data transfer to the USA before the ECJ again. He was right again. The so-called “Schrems2” judgment of the ECJ, with which the US-EU Privacy Shield was overturned, is currently stirring up data protection officers and companies. In our blog article and video you will find out everything you currently need to know about EU-US privacy. We’ll also tell you what to look out for in the company!

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von Tobias

Data errors should cost the AOK Baden-Württemberg a fine of 1.2 million euros.

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von Nadja-Maria

The data protection conference has decided on a concept for the assessment of the GDPR fine in proceedings against companies, which specifies the abstract catalog of criteria from Art. 83 GDPR. The aim is to obtain a transparent and case-by-case form of fine assessment. The concept is intended to serve as a national guideline for the calculation of fines until the European Data Protection Committee issues Union-wide harmonized guidelines.

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von Das Team der aigner business solutions GmbH

As early as October 2019, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that when a website is accessed, the setting of cookies requires the active consent of the website visitor. This does not include cookies that are technically necessary to ensure the functionality of the website. The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has now updated its guidelines on consent for websites and once again emphasized the urgent need for correct cookie consent. Learn more about this in our blog article.

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von Nadja-Maria

Data protection in Austria does not work without the GDPR! The Austrian data protection supervisory authority clarifies the relationship between the data protection sanctions. In Austria, too, it is not mandatory that in the event of a data protection breach, a data protection warning must first be issued and a second breach may only be punished with a fine. Rather, a fine is possible even for the first breach.

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The Higher Administrative Court of Münster ruled on February 5th, 2020 that Gmail is not a telecommunications service. Gmail can therefore be seen as classic order processing and is therefore subject to the special requirements of the GDPR. In the following blog article, we’ll tell you what you have to do to use Gmail in a GDPR-compliant manner.

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von Tobias

The reason for the GDPR fine of 14.5 million euros is data from tenants in an archive system, which could not be deleted. The grievances were discovered in 2017. A review in March 2019 showed that hardly anything had changed in the state. The Berlin data protection authority has therefore imposed a fine of millions on the real estate company “Deutsche Wohnen”. The fine could have been even higher due to the company’s turnover.

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von Nadja-Maria

A large amount of personal data can be found on an identity card. In many industries, particularly with regard to the Money Laundering Act, the question arises as to which personal data may be noted or copied and to what extent, or whether the ID card may even be scanned. In the following we give you a brief overview.

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von Kathrin

“A data protection breach can become an expensive matter for companies in the future.”

We draw this conclusion clearly from the published concept of the German supervisory authorities, which provides information on how they intend to measure the GDPR fine for data protection violations in the future.

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von Carolin

If an employee is suspected of committing a crime, this presents a company with major challenges. Important points must also be observed in internal investigations with regard to employee data protection.

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