Illegal integration of Google Fonts – The verdict

In its judgment of January 20, 2022 (Case No. 3 O 17493/20), the Munich Regional Court ruled on the claims of a data subject against a website operator in relation to the integration of Google Fonts. The plaintiff was awarded a claim for damages in the amount of €100.00. The defendant was prohibited from using Google Fonts under § 823 para. 1 in conjunction with § 1004 BGB analogously. § 1004 of the German Civil Code (BGB), the defendant was prohibited from disclosing the plaintiff’s IP address to Google in the future.

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The Luxembourg data protection authority has imposed a GDPR fine in several cases on companies that fail to meet its standards for the position of data protection officers (DPOs) and is tightening its requirements for DPOs in the process. German authorities could follow these requirements.

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Recently, the Corona traffic light has been on red throughout Bavaria, bringing with it stricter regulations for infection control. The regulations applicable to each stage were not adjusted again to the worsening infection situation in the Free State until 05.11.2021 with the Ordinance Amending the Fourteenth Bavarian Infection Control Measures Ordinance.

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One of the special challenges of a data protection officer is to be allowed to deal with what at first glance appear to be non-technical issues directly from practice. The Implementing Regulation EU 2021/392 on the monitoring and reporting of data on CO2 emissions from passenger cars and light commercial vehicles certainly falls into this area.

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The European Union is striving to reduce traffic-related CO2 emissions. Accordingly, it has issued limit values & a new EU implementing regulation for permissible CO2 emissions for vehicles – the EU 2021/392 implementing regulation.

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Our last video article covered the topic of “The role of the data protection officer in the company”. Now, of course, the same question arises for the data protection coordinator. In this video contribution, we will illustrate to you what a data protection coordinator actually is, what his areas of responsibility are and how he is related to the data protection officer.

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The job and especially the role of a data protection officer combined with the tasks behind it are an important part of a company. But how does a company come to appoint a data protection officer?

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Securing data processing

According to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation, every form of data processing must be protected by technical and organizational measures. Implementing this requirement is not easy in practice, but requires comprehensive planning. This is particularly true when introducing a new processing operation. The basic requirement for safeguarding every processing operation is set out in Article 32 of the General Data Protection Regulation. This states that the selection of specific security measures must be based on the expected risk and its probability of occurrence, but also on the circumstances of the data processing and the implementation costs.

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This is the result of a review of nearly 1000 websites by consumer centers and consumer associations. As reported by their federal association on 17.09.2021, several consumer centers and associations have checked the websites to see whether they use cookie banners in compliance with the law.

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