von Ramona

Many employers have an interest in receiving a police clearance certificate from their applicants and future employees to check whether they have already had a criminal record. But is that even permissible? We will explain this fact in this article.

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On May 25, 2018, the GDPR came into force and caused a lot of dust in some companies. The excitement was great back then, but it has now subsided. Many detailed questions that were still open in 2018 have been clarified. Other problems are still waiting for a clear positioning by the supervisory authorities or a court decision. We look back on the past 2 years and highlight some highlights in data protection.

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von Ramona

With the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation on May 25, 2018 and the new Federal Data Protection Act, numerous companies had to appoint a data protection officer (DPO). The company can choose an internal or an external data protection officer. There is no general answer to whether an internal or external data protection officer is the better choice. We clarify the difference between external and internal DPOs. We’ll also name a few advantages and disadvantages that each selection can have.

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von Das Team der aigner business solutions GmbH

Online translation tools offer a convenient way of having technical terms automatically translated into or from another language in both professional and private everyday life. Depending on the provider, such tools can also be used to translate long texts or at least passages of text. In the meantime, online translation tools are constantly being further developed using artificial intelligence processes, so that the end user receives ever better results from their translation. Employees in the professional environment are also increasingly making use of the support of such tools. From a data protection point of view, however, such services involve risks. Find out in our blog article which tools you can use and to what extent to ensure data protection-compliant use.

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von Rainer Aigner

The corona pandemic has often forced companies, more or less overnight, to let employees work from home. In order to maintain operations and, above all, internal and external communication, video conferencing has become the new communication standard worldwide, at an almost unbelievable speed. But which video conferencing system is the best choice in terms of data protection compliance?

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von Das Team der aigner business solutions GmbH

Although there is still no general requirement for TISAX® certification, it is required by more and more automobile manufacturers. In order not to endanger the partnership, certification is then inevitable at the latest. Satisfying the complex requirements remains a challenge for many companies.

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von Das Team der aigner business solutions GmbH

Many automobile manufacturers often develop their products in cooperation with supplier companies. In 2017, the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) developed the TISAX ® test and exchange mechanism to ensure secure processing and a trustworthy exchange of information between these companies. With TISAX®, a certification for information security in the company is created for automotive suppliers, which is specifically aimed at the needs of the automotive industry. The implementation of a TISAX® project is a complex challenge. With TÜV-certified TISAX® consultants from aigner business solutions GmbH, however, we support you efficiently and effectively in order to obtain the desired certification as quickly as possible. Find out more in our blog article and our first video in the TISAX ® series – simply explained.

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WhatsApp has so far been used by many companies in their business operations, but the question of whether WhatsApp can be used in companies in accordance with GDPR must be answered with a clear NO. Under certain circumstances, its use can lead to considerable fines. In this blog article and our video, we answer the reasons for this and how WhatsApp can still be used to a limited extent in companies.

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von Rainer Aigner

At its meeting on January 29, 2020 in Brussels, the European Data Protection Committee (EDPB) passed the guideline on the GDPR-compliant use of video surveillance by a large majority. The supervisory authorities of the EU member states are once again focusing on the principles of proportionality. Every video surveillance represents a clear encroachment on the personal rights of those affected, which is why the operator of the video surveillance system must always have a “legitimate interest”.

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von Nadja-Maria

Even after Brexit, data transfer to the United Kingdom will be possible without additional measures. You can find out more about this below.

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