von Nadja-Maria

On Tuesday morning yesterday, the federal government, the Robert Koch Institute and the companies involved officially presented the federal government’s corona warning app. At the same time, they called for widespread use of the app. With the help of the Corona app, chains of infection should be made easier to understand. The general GDPR conformity of the app has already been confirmed by the managing director of TÜV Informationstechnik.

After the official presentation, many employers now face the question of whether the installation of the Corona app is permissible on employees’ private and company cell phones.

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von Nadja-Maria

A large amount of personal data can be found on an identity card. In many industries, particularly with regard to the Money Laundering Act, the question arises as to which personal data may be noted or copied and to what extent, or whether the ID card may even be scanned. In the following we give you a brief overview.

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