VIDEO: From GAP analysis to audit: ISO 27001 Success Story – Fact Informationssysteme und Consulting AG

von Jan

From GAP analysis to audit: All inclusive to ISO 27001 certification! We show you how Fact Informationssysteme und Consulting AG completely reorganized its IT security and data protection within one year.

From obligation to freestyle: ISO 27001 certification creates international trust and strengthens the image.

In the fall of 2020, Fact approached aigner business solutions with the question of whether certification would be possible within a year. The history of the cooperation shows how this works. In order to be able to answer the questions around the success story of the ISO 27001 certification, we personally interviewed Fact Informationssysteme und Consulting AG and got answers from the board of directors, the project management and the HR management:


In our interview you will learn about the following topics:

Who is fact and what does fact do exactly?

For what reason did IT security become an important topic in your company? And what was the solution?

What concrete benefits resulted for you from ISO 27001 certification?

What advice can you give to companies that also want to be certified?

What was special about the collaboration with aigner business solutions?

What was your concrete solution to successfully implement the certification?

What do you think was the key to success?

What is your conclusion on the ISO certification project?


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aigner business solutions GmbH is a consulting firm for data protection and IT security and is one of the leading service providers in this field in Bavaria. With a total of over 20 employees at its headquarters in Hutthurm near Passau and its branch office in Munich, the company serves national and international corporations as well as SMEs.


Can we help you?

Is your workforce sufficiently sensitized to information security and data protection issues?

Are you planning to introduce an ISMS and need support?

Do you have a certification requirement, e.g. ISO 27001 or TISAX®?

Do you need an ISO or DPO?


If any of the above topics apply to you and your company, please feel free to contact us and we will arrange a free consultation with you:

Head office Hutthurm – Tel.: +49 (0) 8505 91927 – 0

Munich branch office – Tel.: +49 (0) 8941 32943 – 0

For more information, please also visit our website:


Jan ist seit seiner erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Ausbildung als Business Development Manager bei der aigner business solutions tätig. Jan setzt seine Kreativität, Talent für Bildbearbeitung und Leidenschaft für Videoschnitt in unserer Marketingabteilung ein und unterstützt zudem den Vertriebsprozess bei ihren alltäglichen Aufgaben. Nicht zuletzt dürfen sich unsere Kunden und Follower stets über neue interessante Inhalte auf unseren Social Media Kanälen und in unseren Newslettern freuen.

Schlagworte: ISO 27001, IT security