Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/392 – Data protection and the CO2 data transfer

One of the special challenges of a data protection officer is to be allowed to deal with what at first glance appear to be non-technical issues directly from practice. The Implementing Regulation EU 2021/392 on the monitoring and reporting of data on CO2 emissions from passenger cars and light commercial vehicles certainly falls into this area.

On the monitoring and reporting of data on CO2 emissions from passenger cars and light commercial vehicles.

One of the special challenges of a data protection officer is to be allowed to deal with questions directly from practice that at first glance appear to be unrelated to the subject. The Implementing Regulation EU 2021/392 falls into this area in any case. In this case, the EU wants to reduce traffic-related CO2 emissions within the European Union. The regulation deals with the transmission and evaluation of CO2 emission values and consumption values from regular operation. Consumption values from vehicles are linked here with the VIN (vehicle identification number) – the result: the actual CO2 emission values are linked with the owner and thus personal data according to the Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO).

Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/392 – data protection and the CO2 data transfer – another blog post.

We have also written a detailed blog post on this extremely relevant topic, in which we specifically address the topic “Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/392 – data protection and the CO2 data transfer”. You can find the article on our website or here.


Specifically, the video discusses the following points:

What exactly is the EU regulation about?

Which data protection-relevant topic is this now for us or companies/customers?

Which vehicles are affected in principle?

As the owner of a vehicle, am I obligated to submit my consumption values to the manufacturer?

Is this process a kind of profiling?

What additional specifications are still to be observed?

What is the legal basis for this data transfer?

Who do I contact if I refuse to have my data processed?


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aigner business solutions GmbH is a consulting company for data protection and IT security and is one of the leading service providers in this field in Bavaria. With a total of over 20 employees at its headquarters in Hutthurm near Passau and its branch office in Munich, the company serves national and international corporations as well as SMEs.

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