The EU-US Privacy Shield – everything you need to know about the Schrems 2 judgment in the video!

von Nadja-Maria

The so-called “Schrems2” judgment of the ECJ, with which the US-EU Privacy Shield was overturned, is currently stirring up data protection officers and companies. In the video you can find out everything you currently need to know about the EU-US Privacy Shield. We’ll also tell you what to look out for in the company!

With the “Schrems II judgment” of July 16, 2020, the ECJ declared the EU-US “Privacy Shield” to be invalid. The ECJ already overturned the “Safe Harbor” agreement on the initiative of Max Schrems.

In this video you will learn from our managing director Rainer Aigner what you need to know about the EU-US Privacy Shield:

  • What is the EU-US Privacy Shield?
  • We look back: from Safe-Harbor to the Privacy Shield
  • What does Max Schrems criticize?
  • What does the Schrems 2 judgment mean in practice?
  • What were the legal bases?
  • Which legal bases can you still use today?
  • What must companies do now to make transatlantic data transfer legally compliant?
  • What do you have to consider when transferring data to the USA in the future?
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You can also read our blog article on the EU-US Privacy Shield with all the backgrounds and recommendations for action.

Would you like to continue making transatlantic data transfer legally compliant and need support? We are happy to help. Just contact us.

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Nadja-Maria leitet unser Inhouse-Juristen-Team. Sie studierte an der Universität Passau Rechtswissenschaften mit anschließendem Referendariat sowie erstem und zweitem Staatsexamen. Ihr Spezialgebiet ist Datenschutzrecht. Ihr fundiertes Wissen hält sie jederzeit aktuell. Für unsere Kunden und unser Team hat sie so immer einen Rat für eine passgenaue Lösung parat.