GDPR made easy – with the data protection SOFTWARE “DOCU-SAFE” | part 2 processors

von Ramona

In part 2 of the series “GDPR made easy – with the data protection software docu-safe”, the function in “Processor” in the software is explained in more detail.


What do I understand by processor and what can I do in docu-safe under this point?

According to Art. 28 GDPR, each service provider who processes personal data on the instructions of the person responsible must conclude an order processing agreement in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR. With the “processor” function, the person responsible can systemically create all service providers who are bound by instructions and upload the associated contracts. When creating an order processor, a “master data mask” opens and the data of the order processor can be stored in this, such as the name of the order processor, address, country, description of their activity, phone number, email address and the status of the signature for the current agreement for Order processing.


Are there any extras?

Yes, docu-safe also offers the option of sending the contact details of the data processor’s data protection officer within the master data mask deposit if this has ordered one. This is a helpful function because the customer’s data protection officer can contact the respective data protection officer with regard to contract negotiations or missing information in the AVV, etc.

Furthermore, the existing order processing contracts can be released for review within the “Processor” function. Using a link in the system, a task is automatically created in the ticket system that the order processing agreement must be checked.


How can I be sure that I did everything right?

If the agreement on order processing has been checked under data protection law, the data protection officer can use a button in docu-safe are “released”. The approval of the order processing signals to the person responsible as well as his data protection officer that the agreement on order processing contains all necessary information of Art. 28 GDPR and that appropriate measures have been taken to ensure the security of the processing according to Art. 32 GDPR.


Reference to the first part of the video series

In Teil 1 der Reihe „DSGVO leicht gemacht – mit der Datenschutz Software docu-safe“ sind wir bereits auf die Erstellung einer Verarbeitungstätigkeit eingegangen. Auch in diesem Beitrag spielen die Verarbeitungstätigkeiten eine Rolle, denn anhand der systemischen Verknüpfung innerhalb der Software „docu-safe“, kann bei der Erstellung einer Verarbeitugstätigkeit, der Auftragsverarbeiter hinterlegt werden.

Des Weiteren ist im Menüpunkt „Auftragsverarbeiter“ dann hinterlegt, welche Verarbeitungsvorgänge durch den Auftragsverarbeiter durchgeführt werden.

Have you seen part 1 of the video series? It was about processing activities. Find out more here.

Find out more about data protection software in our blog article.Erfahren Sie auch in unserem Blogartikel mehr über die Datenschutz-Software.

Would you like to raise your data protection level too? Then the aigner business solutions GmbH team will be happy to answer any further questions you may have. Contact us by phone on +49 8505 91927 – 0 or via or simply use our contact form.


Ramona ist seit ihrer Ausbildung zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement bei uns tätig. Sie kennt deshalb unser Dienstleistungs-Portfolio sehr genau. Mittlerweile unterstützt sie unser Team nicht nur im Backoffice sondern steht unseren Kunden auch als zertifizierte Datenschutzbeauftragte mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Service- und Lösungsorientierung, Flexibilität und Kompetenz stehen für sie an erster Stelle.